We have a new forum!
What's on the Forum?
Launched today, 14th Feb 2010, the forum is the new home for any questions directed at mymusictheory.com. I get a lot of questions emailed to me, and don't usually get time to write everything up in html to add to the web page (although I do reply by email!). Having the questions on a forum turns them into a searchable database, which is good for everyone, and it's much more convenient. Askers can respond to my answers and read back on the posts in a more logical way.
Also, other users will be able to add to the discussion - either with their own answers or further questions. All posts are moderated, so no idiotic answers will be allowed up, you'll be pleased to know. No registration is currently required to post in the Questions forum.
General Theory
The general section is for any registered user to start any thread connected with music theory. Serious or light-hearted, join in and make your voice heard!
Make friends or contacts with others who are studying the same level as you. Chat about anything you like, but please remember the forum is for all ages, children included. Please don't give out personal details, and kids, tell your parents what you're doing. (Any posts which violate the rules will be deleted without warning.)
Music Theory Diaries
Nowhere else on the web will you find a space dedicated to your study of music theory! Start your own thread which is your "diary" of music theory learning. Keep track of what you're studying, bookmark useful links, ask questions, ask for opinions, share stories -it's up to you. You own your thread and can use it as you like. It's an excellent way of recording what you're doing, getting input from others in the same situation or from teachers, and you can review whenever you like - it's a wonderful revision tool.
Come and register now at www.mymusictheory.com/forum/ - it's free and simple to join. Don't forget, we only launched this afternoon so we don't have many members yet - please don't let that put you off!
What Do You Hear?
9 years ago